Discussing the website of Amazon.com

I am writing to discuss the website of Amazon.com, which should be an important component of Amazon’s digital marketing. Although browsing online commodities through Apps becomes more prevalent…


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How I Use Data Structures and Algorithms to Help My Wife Organize the Closet

Use computer science knowledge to solve problems in our daily life

Organize our closet has always been a headache for me and my wife. Each time we need to spend a lot of time and effort to organize it, but it doesn’t take long, usually a week or so, and the closet becomes messy again.

It is said that organizing the physical aspects of your life can also bring you mental clarity. So I started talking to my wife about how to organize our closet so that we can use it more efficiently and improve the quality of life.

Jason: Why don’t we use data structures and algorithms to organize our closet?

Cindy: Excuse me, data structure?What does this have to do with organizing the closet?

Jason: They can help us solve our closet problem, and we won’t have to tidy up our closet once a week. (I said confidently)

Cindy: Really?

Jason: Drawers and boxes are like memory or hard disks, while clothing is like data. Taking clothes, putting clothes, and looking for clothes is exactly like data operations.

Cindy: So…

Jason: Clothes should be stored according to the features of clothes and the storage space.

Cindy: Go on.

Jason: Our previous storage method was wrong. For example, our T-shirts are folded and stacked in drawers. Although this allows us to store more T-shirts, because we often pick and choose a T-shirt, we flip through the drawers every time just to look for a particular one. Usually, we won’t pack up the drawer right away. Soon the drawer will become disorganized after.

Cindy: Tell me your good idea then.

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